Hour Detroit: 2013 Best Dressed List


Personal stylist and owner of She, women’s clothing boutiques in Bloomfield Hills and Grosse Pointe

Fashion style:
Classic contemporary. “The core base of my wardrobe is classic,” she says. “I throw in trends with accessories. You can usually find me in a little black dress.”

Favorite shop:
She, of course. “Even though I’m in New York a lot, I always try to shop locally,” she says. “If I see something in New York I want, I’ll call Saks in Troy to have them get it for me.”

Favorite designers:
Yigal Azrouel, Catherine Malandrino, and Velvet

Fashion debut:
“I’ve always liked girly clothes. I would never wear jeans and sweatshirts. In high school I used to wake up ready to dress for success. I felt better, got better grades, and now I have transferred that to my work ethic.”

Fashion advice:
“Seek and purchase styles that you love. Stick to interpretations of your own personal style.”